Does Family Law cover every possible dispute or problem that arises within families? The answer is no.  Often there are disputes or problems that arise within family units that do not fall within the ambit of family law.  For example a dispute about a will or deceased estate while a dispute within a family unit it is not a family law dispute.  So what falls within the ambit of family law?  Family law can be divided into three broad areas:

  • Divorce; the process by which an order is sought from the court that two people are no longer legally married to one another.
  • Children;  This area relates to the type of parenting arrangements that might be in place for children when their parents have separated or divorced.  Arrangements might include where the children live, what time they spend with the parent they do not live with, what occurs during school holidays and other special occasions during the year. Within this topic of parenting arrangements there can also be specific matters covering:
    • Child Support
    • Paternity Testing
    • Relocation/location Orders
    • Declaration as to paternity
  • Property Division; how two party’s (whether married, defacto or same sex couples) entitlements are worked out following their separation or divorce.

Hopefully our monthly blog will provide some insight into the different areas of family law.